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Golf Games

printMeListed below are the active games identified with our league. Click on the printer image to print a copy of the games.

Title Description
Devil Ball

Teams of 3 or 4. Rotate devil ball on each hole. On each hole, two scores are combined to create one team score. One of those scores is from the person playing the "devil ball. The two scores are added together for the team score. If the devil ball is lost, use another ball and identify it as the devil ball.

Dots on scorecards

Double Down

Choose lowest net score from either front or back nine and then double that score.

Easy Peasy

Net scores count from the nine easiest holes (3,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,17). Low net wins.

Eclectic Round 1

A multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player.

Eclectics work this way: Participants play 2 rounds (June 8 and June 15). Each participant will receive individual scorecards, first row record June 8 score, second row to record June 15 scores and a third row to record your Best Ball for each hole, producing an 18-hole score.

Example: There are two rounds; on June 8, the golfer makes a 6 on hole No. 1; June 15 the golfer makes a 7, that golfer's Best Ball score for the first hole is a 6.
Dots on scorecard

Eclectic Round 2

A multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player.

Eclectics work this way: Participants play 2 rounds (June 8 and June 15). Each participant will receive individual scorecards, first row record June 8 score, second row to record June 15 scores and a third row to record your Best Ball for each hole, producing an 18-hole score.

Example: There are two rounds; on June 8, the golfer makes a 6 on hole No. 1; June 15 the golfer makes a 7, that golfer's Best Ball score for the first hole is a 6.
Dots on scorecard 


 3-person teams must use one player’s net score, but only once in a three-hole rotation. 

Even Stevens

Gross and net scores of all even holes. 

FEDEX Cup The North Trust – Pick Your Pro

 THE NORTHERN TRUST, the first event of the FedEx cup playoffs will be held August 5-11, 2019.

At check in on August 8th, players will select a Pro playing in the FedEx Cup as their partner (We will have a list of the Pro’s playing in The Northern Trust to pick from. The players score will consist of their NET score on August 8 and the Pro they selected as their partner on the final round on August 11.

If your PRO does not make the cut during the weekend neither do you! Pick carefully!

Flag Day
Is a competition format in which golfers begin the round with an allotment of strokes, then play the course until their strokes run out.

The game gets its name from the fact that little flags are usually given to competitors to stick in the ground at the point at which their final shot is played.

The golfer who stakes his flag the farthest around the course is the winner. Example: Your allotment is 75 strokes. You play the course until you hit your 75th shot, which, let's say, comes on the 16th fairway. That's where you plant your flag. If no other player's flag is planted beyond yours - say, on the 16th green or 17th tee box - you are the winner.

We will use full course handicaps to determine the stroke allotment. A player with a handicap of 21, for example, receives 93 strokes on a par-72 course if full handicaps are used (72 plus 21).

Forget the 5's

Total of Par 3's & 4's - NET

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Displaying 21 thru 30 of 90 games.. To view more click on the links above.