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Golf Games

printMeListed below are the active games identified with our league. Click on the printer image to print a copy of the games.

Title Description
Synchronized Swimming

Winner has the lowest net score for all of the water holes on the course combined. 

T''s & F's

 A T and F tournament counts only scores recorded on holes beginning with "T" or "F".  

T''s & S's

A T and S tournament counts only scores recorded on holes beginning with "T" or "S."
*The lowest net individual wins.

Team - 6-6-6

Teams count one low net on holes 1-6 two low nets hole 7-12 , three low nets 13-18 


Total Gross & Total Net 


Total Gross & Total Net. PAT portion is a SURPRISE!

Three Blind Mice

Keep score of all players scores, once the scorecards are turned in the tournament organizers randomly draw three holes, everyone's scores on those three holes are thrown out. *The lowest net individual wins. 

Three, Two, One

For team score. use best 3 scores on Par 3's, best 2 scores on Par 4's and best 1 score on Par 5's.  Use individual's net score.

Who's Your Partner?

A simple game but one with a little intrigue. You simply play your 18-hole round and then after everyone has completed you randomly draw names to pair everyone up with another player.


 WIN, PLACE and SHOW: On each hole, the player with the low net score wins 3 points, the second lowest wins 2 points, and the third lowest wins 1 point. Ties are allotted the same score. The overall winner is the one with the most points.

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Displaying 81 thru 90 of 90 games.. To view more click on the links above.